Finished our data-driven test, and you can run it. This works the same as for other tests.
The screencast Running a data-driven test walks you through the information found in this chapter:
Download the sample solution
This is the completed sample solution with all the instructions of the previous chapters carried out and ready to run.
Theme: Run a data-driven test
Time: 5 minutes
Install the sample solution:
Unzip to any folder on your computer
Start Ranorex Studio and open the solution file
The sample solution is available for Ranorex versions 8.0 or higher. You must agree to the automatic solution upgrade for versions 8.2 and higher.
Run the test
Check if all variables are bound correctly.
Click RUN
Once the test has finished, the report appears. The rows of the data-driven test case are shown in the results.
Result details for a data-driven test
When you take a more detailed look at the test case, we see that it was iterated once for each data row. So, in total, the test case was run 8 times. The details for each iteration also show the current variable values for this iteration.
Reporting is explained in detail in Reporting
Microsoft Excel-free test execution on runtime machines
If you want to execute a data-driven test that uses Excel connectors in a Runtime or Remote Environment or the Test Suite Runner, the target machine does not need to have an Excel license installed.
Simply install the Microsoft Access Database Engine >= 2013 on the target machine and you can run the test.
You can also view Excel data sources, but you have to select Auto-range or specify a range manually when creating the respective Excel data connector. Editing Excel data sources still requires MS Excel.
You can configure the behavior of the Excel-free execution implementation in the solution settings file.
In the projects view, open the solution settings file.
Locate the setting <Testing.Data.ExcelDataLoadingPreference>
Enter one of four options (all are entered in the image for illustration purposes):
a. PreferExcel: Default. Uses Excel if available, else uses AceOleDb (the free database engine). Test fails if neither is available.
b. PreferAceOleDb:Uses AceOleDb if available, else uses Excel. Test fails if neither is available.
c. RequireExcel: Uses Excel only. Test fails if it isn’t available.
d. RequireAceOleDb: Uses AceOleDb only. Test fails if it isn’t available.